Sunday, February 12, 2017


So, it’s been three and a half weeks since a certain Cheetos-colored individual took office.  This individual is also known simply as “45”.  I think I prefer 45, because I actually like the taste of Cheetos, but this Oompaloompa leaves a VERY sour taste in my mouth!  Nothing at all like a Cheetos.  I, personally, will never put the title “President” next to that man’s name, even if I do use his last name to speak of him and my distaste for his agenda.  As the hashtag goes, he’s #notmypresident!

In the less than one month since 45 took office, he has scrawled his name on a number of documents meant to push through his own agenda.  You know what I’m talking about, the agenda that his supporters wanted.  Or so they thought.

I have one friend who actually voted for him (I actually know more than one person who voted for him, but I only know of one with whom I can have a rational discussion with about what 45 has been doing since taking office).  Every time either I or one of my other #notmypresident friends mentions something to our 45 supporter friend that was on the news (but, of course, not on FOX news), this 45 supporter friend is a bit surprised, and says that he hadn’t heard about that.  And he will even admit (at times) that he’s not really in favor of what 45 has done so far.

I think a good number of 45 supporters may feel the same about some of the things that 45 has been doing since taking office.  But I think they are so embarrassed by being duped by this con artist, this charlatan, this swindler, this fraud, but most of all, this dangerous individual … that they are just keeping quiet … or even worse, they are doubling down on their support. 

I mean, if you really and truly support 45 and the actions he has taken so far and intends to take in the future, then you are telling us that you are a racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, pathological liar … or that, at the very least, you support such a person! 

A lot of people who support 45 have said that the Women’s March didn’t really DO anything.  That it was a waste of time and that we were just being “crybabies”.  They want us to believe that over 3 MILLION people worldwide showing up and raising their voices didn’t mean anything. 

Supporters of 45 will say that going online and signing a petition or changing your social media profile to show you stand in support of what you believe in won’t change anything.

Or they may say that if you are against the Muslim Ban (from 7 countries that weren’t where the terrorists were from to begin with … but which don’t have business dealings with 45, so what does he care if he blocks them or not), that you’re anti-American.  And I don’t even want to think about what they will say when people show up for the rally in Times Square on February 19th to show solidarity and support of our Muslim brothers and sisters.  I’ll be there, will you?

Or the people supporting 45 will claim that speaking out against spending billions ($10 to $12 billion estimated) of tax dollars (because we all know that Mexico ain’t footing the bill!) on building a wall won’t stop him from going forward with this plan.  And never mind that the money to do this means other more deserving government funded programs will struggle or even fold, because 45 promised a wall to the bigots and racists of this country!

Supporters of 45 will say that being up in arms over his attempt to take away the availability of health care from millions of people without an alternative plan in place is wasted breath.  That Obamacare was horrible to begin with.  Say that to the 20,000 to 45,000 people who have died every year due to a lack of health care coverage before the Affordable Care Act went into effect!  Oh wait, you can’t … BECAUSE THEY DIED!!!

To those who say that doing all these things and more is a waste of time, I say to you ….

The United States of America is great (always has been and will continue to be) because we have the RIGHT and the ABILITY to speak up.  We ARE able to contact our representative ( to let them know how we feel and that if they don’t feel or act the same, that we can put new representatives into office next time (

America is still and always will be an amazing nation, because in this country we are allowed to join groups like INDIVISIBLE ( to find out what you can do to make your voice and your heart heard.

In America, we can raise our voices in a literal way but also in a figurative way by joining in the first National Strike against 45, which is planned for next Friday, February 17th  Because, even if you must go to work (because nobody is asking you to risk being fired), you can at least not buy ANYTHING that day!  You can make your view heard by controlling your wallets.  Because we all know, money talks!

And since money talks, in this great country of ours, we can be more cognizant of where we actually do spend our money.  We can support businesses that are on the same page as we are, when it comes to our viewpoints.  

Yes, America is a GREAT nation.  Always has been, and one orange-colored racist isn’t going to change that!  Because, as long as we all are cognizant, vigilant, diligent of what is happening, as long as we speak up and take action, we can ensure that this will remain a GREAT nation, and not the dictatorship that a certain Oompaloompa and his racist, billionaire-club cronies want to create.

(My apologies to Willy Wonka.  I know it’s insulting to you and your orange colored assistants to use this term in describing this guy, but it really fits, at least color-wise!)

1 comment:

  1. I am in agreement with all you say. We MUST get Democrats elected in the next election to have any effect in Congress.
