Sunday, April 2, 2017

I'm so sick of being sick!!

So, for the 3rd time since 2017 started, I’m fighting an illness. 

In January, I had a very bad sinus infection.  Swollen, painful glands under my ear, and sinus pressure that made it difficult to do anything.  But with some home remedies, I was able to get over that one.  I drank a lot of water, which helped flush out the toxins, and I used heat compresses on my sinuses and glands. 

[Take some salt, put it inside a washcloth, heat for a minute in the microwave (always keeping an eye to make sure it doesn’t get too hot and catch on fire!!)  Then let it cool a tiny bit (because you don’t want to burn your skin) and hold the hot compress to your face, or ear, or neck.  Where-ever the pressure is building from congestion.  It opens up the passages a bit to help get rid of the congestion.] 

That sickness gone, I was feeling great … until …

Towards the end of February, I came down with the flu!  It was bad!  High fever, aches, chills, pain even in my eyeballs!  I went to the doctor this time, and got myself some Tamiflu.  Still, I lost a week of work, and was really knocked on my back for a while, even after I was “better”.  The flu will drain all the energy out of you!

Back to feeling better, but only for a few weeks. 

I recently came down with a bad cold!  It came with a VERY bad cough and a lot of congestion!  So bad, that I actually almost fainted at one point from coughing. 

Back to the doctor I went, because with my vacation coming up, I had to make sure this would be completely gone by the time I boarded the plane!  He said it was a virus, that it wasn’t in my lungs, just my upper respiratory system, and that it just had to work its way through me.  I took over-the-counter cough medicine to help it along and went back to lots of fluids!  But he did prescribe antibiotics, in case it did turn into a bacterial infection.

And guess what … it did.  Another sinus infection!

So now I’m on the Z-pack for a week, and hoping this will once and for all get rid of these microscopic bad guys that keep attacking my body!!  I’m really sick of being sick!!

One thing though … please do not tell me that it’s this crazy weather that’s causing these illnesses!  When people say that to me, it literally makes me cringe!  Germs make you sick.  Not the temperature changing from warm one day to cool the next! 

I honestly believe that my immune system got weaker because I worked from home for four months and wasn’t exposed to my daily dose of germs from all those on the subway who cannot seem to cover their nose or mouth when they cough or sneeze.

I actually yelled at one guy just last week, when he coughed without covering! I’m just so fed up with being sick, and it’s because of people like this guy that I keep getting these illnesses! The guy sitting next to him shot me a thankful look, since he was more exposed to this insensitive jerk than I was.  Why he didn’t just say something himself is what I asked myself.  But some people seem to feel that it’s “rude” to say something.  No, the rudeness is the person who exposes everyone else to their germs!

So, if you see someone coughing or sneezing, and not covering … say something!  It will help the rest of us stay (or in my case, get) healthy!

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