Sunday, November 13, 2016

Drawing a blank!!

They say that all writers go through periods of writer’s block.  Where they can sit in front of their computer (or typewriter, for those who like the feeling of the nostalgic era of typewriters) and stare at the blank page in front of them. 

When someone is writing an article or a story that has a very specific topic or storyline, this can be a major problem.  Because these writers cannot just switch to something else to get those juices flowing.  They need to stick to the subject matter that they are working with.

For me, as a blogger, it’s a lot easier.  Because if one story line doesn’t seem to be flowing, I have the ability to switch to something else.  But, when I have 4 unfinished starts of blog posts, and none of them are “speaking to me” or they just seem so utterly boring as I read through them, it begins to be an issue.

I discussed this with a friend yesterday, and his suggestion was to just begin typing, in the way of stream of consciousness.  He said that eventually the words would start to point to one topic that I can go with, and then once done, I can just delete the beginning paragraphs that have nothing to do with the subject.

I tried this and this post is the result.  A blog post about having trouble writing a blog post!

I have some subjects and blog ideas that could become very good blogs.  And I do plan to eventually end up writing these posts. But for one reason or another, they aren’t getting down on paper well enough right now to post. Either my thoughts are still too jumbled on these subjects, or when I do put word to paper the resulting post is not up to the standard that I want to set for what you can read.

There are other topics that would possibly make good blog posts. Actually, they could be VERY interesting and VERY entertaining topics that are featuring prominently in my life right now. But I feel that some things are not meant to be shared.  Personal things that are making me excited, scared, frustrated and hopeful about, are definitely things I am more than willing to share with my close friends.  But these are not necessarily things I would share with the general public.

For now, this week’s post will be about how I had a lot of trouble writing a post for this week.  I will try to do better next week!  Hopefully the juices will start to flow better if I give it time.  In the meantime, if you have any ideas that you would like to see on this blog, definitely hit me up!  You can comment on this blog itself with a comment, or email me with any ideas (email address listed in my profile).

So let’s keep our fingers crossed for a better post next week, and my sincerest apologies for this week’s pathetic post!

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