Sunday, September 18, 2016

I didn’t think it could get worse! But, oh boy did it!!

So, about a month and a half ago, I entered the oh-so-wonderful world of online dating!  As I wrote in a post back then, I wasn’t too thrilled about re-entering this scene.  I had been there in the past, and wasn’t thrilled with the way it turned out.  And I find dating in general to be nerve wracking!  But, enter it, I did.  

Well, what was always an uncomfortable arena for me has now become a pure nightmare!! 

I’ve gotten a lot of “hits”, and even went out on a few dates.  No “love connections” with those guys, however.  But I was still hopeful to find the guy who would set my tummy to butterflies, who would also be a good guy, and would treated me nice.  The thing is, for the most part the majority of the guys that contact me aren’t even going to make it to the first date. 

I am still getting guys from as far away as the Middle East.  Nevermind that the first paragraph of my profile states very clearly that if you don’t live in the NYC area, I’m not going to be interested in making pen pals and won’t respond.  Part of me is tempted from time to time to reply to these long-distance guys contacting me from Austin, TX, Los Angeles, CA, or Tel Aviv, Israel, and say “Hey! Nice to meet you. What do you say we cut to the chase and meet tomorrow at 35th and Lexington and grab a cup of coffee?”  But, I control my sarcasm and just delete the email.

I’m also still getting the REALLY young guys, who think that dating me will be “cool”, and that the fact that I’m more than twice their age is “no biggie”.  Thing is, I’m probably older than their Mom. And it is a biggie.  What would I have in common with a 23 year old??  I’m also still getting the 75 year olds, pretending to be 55.  My first thought with these guys is “Wow, if you’re 55, you are NOT aging well at all!!” 

But, the thing that is making this time around more of a horror to me is that I’m finding that a majority of the guys on the site are just looking for a quick hookup!  And they aren’t shy about it!  I mean, not shy AT ALL!!!  I had one guy start in on the second sentence with asking sex questions about my favorite position.  He actually hadn’t even asked my name yet!!  Insane!!!

I had started chatting with this one guy.  He seemed nice, and we even took the conversation offline into texting directly.  We were talking for about a week and had set up a date to go to dinner.  The night before our date, we were texting, setting the specifics of the date for the next night, as well as catching up on our week.  Then he asked me to send him a pic … of my boobs!!  I told him no, that I won’t do that. Guess what?  He cancelled the date!  Seriously?!?!  WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THESE GUYS????

It makes me wonder, am I just too old for this? Is this the way of the dating world nowadays?  Part of me wants to just give up completely and be alone.  It’s got to be easier than dealing with this crap!  But another part of me truly believes that there has to be at least one truly good guy out there.  Who knows, maybe he and I have already started chatting.  Time will tell.  In the meantime, my “delete” button gets a lot of action.


  1. You should have sent him photos of Blue Footed Boobies, Red Footed Boobies and Mark's hairy booby, and then told him he's a boob!

  2. It is all about intelligence, and so far none of those guys have it.

  3. It will take times to find a potential among manys. But once you find it, the time and patienceness will seem worth it
