Sunday, September 4, 2016

Just call me an Adrenaline Junky!!

I’ve always been a bit of an adrenaline junky!  As a kid I was very active and did lots of very physical types of activities.  I took gymnastics, starting at the age of 5.  I took all sorts of dance classes.  I was the one who liked to place the foam mattresses from our guest bed on the stairs to the basement, and slide down them, head first.  Horseback riding, with learning how to do jumps, was one of my favorite childhood activities (even when I would get thrown or go over a jump without the horse.  Even that one time that while going over a jump, my horse turned and I fell off WITH MY FOOT STILL STUCK IN THE STIRRUP!!   Having grown up in a neighborhood that had originally been an apple orchid, I would often be found up in a tree.  Climbing trees was always something I loved to do.  I would climb out onto a limb, and pick some of the apples.  I’d eat some and throw some down to my dog, who was waiting for her treat!  Skiing was something that in my family, we had no choice about.  My Dad was a National Ski Patrolman.  So we were up at the slopes most weekends when I was a kid.  Thing is, I hate the cold weather!!  REALLY hate it!  So while it was fun to go downhill, I really didn’t enjoy being cold!!

As I got older, I expanded to other activities.  In college I started the women’s Rugby team!  I love rugby!  It’s a very physically challenging sport.  Unfortunately, most of the women who initially signed up were not that thrilled with being incredibly sore, and having raspberry bruises all over!  So the team didn’t last very long! 

I was in the cycling club too.  Now, you may not think that’s very adrenaline inducing.  But when you are riding in traffic, it does get that way.  There were lots of  times that I had to quickly swerve to avoid getting hit, or to avoid a car door that quickly opened.  There was the one time I didn’t swerve fast enough out of the way of the car door.  Riding head first into an open car door is NOT fun!

But I have to say that the most adrenaline inducing activity that I ever took on was the flying trapeze!  I can still remember my first time up on the rig.  I was in Turks and Caicos.  It was a GORGEOUS setting for flying!  The ocean, the beach, the trees and the beautifully painted buildings.  I climbed the VERY high ladder, and crossed over the open space to the platform.  Once up there, I felt my legs shaking.  I was a bit surprised, because I didn’t really think that I was nervous.  I waited for the person in front of me to finally hop off to do her turn.  It took a while, because she was REALLY nervous.  And as soon as she left, I realized that it hadn’t been my legs that were shaking, it was her!  She was shaking so badly, that she shook the entire platform, and me on it!  So it was my turn to get hooked up in the safety lines, and hop off the platform into thin air! 

And once I did, there was no turning back!  I was hooked!  I returned to the resort 2 more times in the next 4 months, with the sole purpose to do more flying trapeze!  Then FINALLY, a trapeze school opened in New York City!! I spent a boatload of money taking classes!  But I was having the best time!!  Even with the extremely sore muscles (which I actually like.  I know, I’m a weirdo!) and the ripped skin on my hands (that I didn’t like so much!!  Especially when it came time to shower or wash my hair!!)  There are now several flying trapeze schools in the NYC area.  

During the years after I started flying trapeze, I spent the majority of my time either up in the air, preparing to go up in the air, or talking with my fellow flyer friends about being up in the air!!

Unfortunately, a few years back, I had an accident and ended up having to have 2 surgeries and went through 9 months of physical therapy.  Yes, it was a flying trapeze accident.  All I’m going to say about that is … if you’re not being paid to fly in a circus, and if you cannot tell if the timing is off, then NEVER take off the safety lines!  With the safety lines, flying trapeze is not really that dangerous!  (well, except to the skin on your hands!)   

Have I been back to flying trapeze?  Yes.  But now, the shaking on the platform may actually come from me.  Where I never had fear before, I now do get somewhat nervous.  But will that completely stop me?  Oh hell no!!  But I’m definitely not a regular at the rig, like I once was.  And yes, that is a bit sad.

This past Friday, I tried laser tag for the first time!  O … M … G!!!  So much fun!!!  Adrenaline pumped!  I got lots of exercise (yes, I’m one of those weirdos who likes to exercise!) and my thighs are screaming at me today!  And I was actually really good!  Like, REALLY good!  Being short was definitely an advantage in this game!  The only thing that would have made it better … if we could have climbed up on things!! 

So, if there’s ever a faction choosing ceremony that I have to go through, be assured, my blood will be dripped onto burning coals!

*for those who never read or saw the Divergent series, the last sentence refers to choosing to join the group known for being brave

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